First of all:

It’s interesting, this life we live. Isn’t it? Its like a movie and you’re the main character and no one gives you a script, but you feel like everyone else is reading from one and you need to improvise lines to deal with them. Here’s the mindfuck: they’re also the main character to themselves and believe they’re improvising as they go along.

“What’s my point?” I hear you say

My point is no one really knows what they’re doing here!

Most of us are just moving along, making it up as we go. Few of us have our lives planned out and even then life hits them HARD. I learnt a lot while in University, and maybe if I was a more active blogger at the time I’d have built a decent following and made use of that to push some ideas I’ve had laying dormant. No regrets though. Making a mountain out of a mole hill was my middle name in my teens. I was almost always planning, paranoid and anxious about something. I had a good way of hiding it: Preoccupying myself with other people’s problems and having a smoke or a drink with my guys in the evenings. It was very effective, numbing the anxiety and my worries but didn’t take them away. Sometimes it added more but on most days I just sat back, relaxed and enjoyed my time with people who were like me.

Now that I’m through with my philosophical musings:


Hey guys! I promised a double post this weekend right? Here it is. I hope you’re happy. Bother. I deserve an accolade, blogging is a bitch to do, I love it but still.

So this post will have two topics in it:

  1. My NYSC Experience
  2. A life lesson I wish to share for my readers

The two will be interwoven because they’re relevant to each other, but it will be obvious when I am talking about one over the other.

In my final year of University I was extremely pressured to make it to a 2:1. In the previous post I told y’all I got out with a 3.56 but didn’t tell you how. It was a long push from my 300 level when I realized if I kept slacking I’d finish “badly”. So, I went hard and studied and was so anxious that I’d fail but I ended up getting to it. It felt really good because people knew I was on a 3.49 all the way to the end of my first semester of 400. I was on a 3.49 for a year!

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It was after my finals that I got to 3.56 and it felt really good. The congratulations, the look on my mom’s face, my statement of result was lit so if I had to go for job interviews I’d look good.

I remember how hard I worked and how scared I was. I should’ve realized that all I needed to really do was work hard, pray and live life, be happy. I stressed till I graduated. I can’t even remember some things because of it.

Fast forward to NYSC registration and all that. I got the second batch, low-key I was stressing the registration because of placement and I wanted to serve quickly and keep it moving but it didn’t go the way I wanted because I didn’t get the first batch. I was sad but it ended up for good because I was able to graduate, celebrate my birthday and buy materials and learn from others mistakes because I went with the second batch. Also I was able to pick my certificate in peace. Some of my mates don’t have it yet cause they’re in other states. See why you shouldn’t stress?

Camp was quite the experience. I was at Lagos camp, some of you will hiss and say just Iyana Ipaja, it was sha still camp and if you don’t think it was worth it because it was close, that’s your cuppa tea.

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So let’s develop a system before I start narrating the experience. I’ll divide it into weeks so I can summarise and I remember that I promised we won’t have a repeat of my yeye month recap in the previous post.

You know what, fuck that. Take it how I type it.

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So my first week was interesting. I was still trying to get used to it all. The bugle, the meals, the morning parade and all. I was in boarding school for my Junior Secondary Years so it was not that hard.

This was a typical day at camp, NOT ACCURATE, just a loose replication

4:45 : Morning Parade
7am: Breakfast
9am: Lectures
12:30: SAED
4PM: Man O War/Drills
6:30PM: Dinner
8:30pm: Socials (or for some of us Mami Flexing)
10:30PM: Lights out

So, as you can see it was a regimented life. Except Sundays.

Ordinary first day o, I got to the gate and this gate man saw matches abi was it lighter and was disturbing my life about if I smoke, telling me he will not do anything, bla bla me I was looking at him like

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I acted all innocent. In the end he let me go.

God. Registration. REGISTRATION.


Over 1000 smelly Nigerians gathered at the door of a hall and we were all tired. I had no idea I could’ve waited till the next day. Took it so seriously, put it on my head like a hawker and stayed there for hours. It wasn’t that bad though. I got in pretty early and registered, did it all. I got Platoon 1.

Wait. I need to do this:



Okay I’m done.

So I got Platoon 1. S/O to Aunty Chioma, Poppin lady. She was awesome. We were the best platoon btw, I’m not hyping, we had the most 1sts and had the Overall best Corp member. Our Platoon leader Mr. Maleghemi Joseph aka Mr. Macho aka RJ aka baddest rapper, and inspirational leader.

After getting my platoon, I went in to get a room. See that my room ehn, we started very well but then I started to have issues with some of them because they made me welfare officer and some guy was being difficult. I ended up switching rooms to a cushier room at the ground floor and I enjoyed there well. I digress. I went back to finish registration after getting settled in my room and got my kit . Please if your father works at NYSC, slap him for me, if it’s the two parents, slap them and then slap yourself. These people made us fill our sizes in the online registration and then we got there and almost everyone got random sizes. I was actually lucky and I got a good jacket and crested vest. The rest were OP: OFF POINT.

I took the kit and chose not to slim them in camp because I wasn’t going to get bled dry just to look good, I found a way to look presentable for the Swearing in Ceremony.

The days went by and I applied for OBS. For those who don’t know, OBS is Orientation Broadcasting Service, the coordinators were from an older batch. S/O to Femi, Yetunde, TTuoyo, Ifeanyi and DJ Fingaz! I was advised to join OBS by my brother who was also in OBS and loved it. So I went for the interview and turns out I was good enough, they even made me Head of Editorial, that is the part of OBS that handles announcements and programmes. The engineering side handles Sound and Setup for Programmes. I was happy, not knowing that was the beginning of my problems in camp. 😦

Some fun activities I engaged in include:

  • Man o War Obstacle Course
  • Drilling (Marching Drills)
  • Drama (Qualifiers)
  • Dance (1st)
  • Talent hunt (3rd)
  • Kitchen duty (yeah, it was fun somehow)
  • OBS duties.

Other activities included:

  • Football (disqualified πŸ˜‚)
  • Table tennis(QF)
  • Volleyball(1st)
  • Miss Petite (3rd)
  • Big, bold and Beautiful (Qualifiers)
  • SAED presentation ( 1st)
  • Lions den(3rd)
  • Debate (Quarter finals)
  • Cooking competition (2nd)

I engaged in some more than others and some “took my blood”. Man O War literally got me slightly injured when I went the second time. (I went twice don’t ask how) I didn’t engage in drills past the first week because it clashed with other things I was doing. Dance I didn’t engage in fully, just some rehearsals. I did engage fully in drama but we didn’t get past the first stage. No regrets though it was fun. Our drama was about a village with Lassa fever and two corp members who came to the village to start a health center and a stubborn dibia (my humble self) who wouldn’t accommodate them. He ended up getting the disease too and was treated..


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We were robbed of the second round in that play. It’s my blog let me vent. A young nigga like me, I wrote the script, and my lovely friend and someone who I admire from the depths of my heart, Faith, was stage manager and director. S/O to Ekene, Precious, Tobi, Uche, Jennifer, Vicky, Make-up, Emmanuel, Stage hands, The guards, Extras, David (Director also but he was always busy drumming for dancers) and anyone I forgot.

We were the second platoon to present a play and the drama was spread across three days. We got the loudest applause for our day and even had to do an impromptu closing that we didn’t plan for and the crowd LOVED IT. So how, you ask, did we not qualify. Turns out on the final day another God forsaken platoon , platoon 9, did the same thing but executed it better. When we watched the second round, I wondered how some of the other platoons with a horrible play qualified over us. Some said it was because they forgot us since no one from our day qualified. Uh, Bullshit. Whatever. I still hold a grudge against them. I lost my voice over that play.

Dance group was amazing. They were first position. I’m glad I was able to famz their rehearsals and be on the group chat.

We also won Mr. Macho thanks to Joseph.

For the talent hunt i was reluctant to audition but Faith egged me on and when I did the judges said I gave the best performance of the day.

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I perform like Josh Norman, I ain’t normal, nigga

Unfortunately, i couldn’t replicate it in the finals.

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How? Well, we were third in the Talent Hunt, also thanks to Joe and I performed but apparently my mic wasn’t working I was told. Dunno why the judges didn’t stop me and tell me.

We were first in volleyball, that was for babes.

OBS was crazy. It was fun but we didn’t take advantage of our opportunities to be remembered because we were all not serious. I even chased one dead guy from the thing sef. I fell sick from the stress at a point.

We also had a camp carnival and a special night when Small Doctor, KENNYBLAQ, Ruggedman, 9ice and a host of others came through.

OOO, Tobi Bakre from Big Brother came and most of the girls lost their shit:

Some girls were like:

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One weirdo in particular did this

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The food was… Food. I ate it sometimes but mostly patronized Mami.

All in all it was quite the experience

Tips for prospective corp members

  • Carry money at least 20k
  • Make friends but be good with everyone
  • Try to enter your room first when they’re allocating so you can pick a good spot.
  • Don’t charge you phone at Mami if you can help it. People’s panels got destroyed because so many phones were charging.
  • Use the laundry if you can’t wash. There’s never really time. Laundry’s cheap.
  • Balance the days you eat at Mami.
  • Befriend your platoon inspectors.
  • Be active in camp, it’s a stepping stone to success.
  • Obey rules
  • Come a day early or a day late. Not on the main day.
  • Carry your credentials. All of them. Especially certificate and statement of result and an ID card
  • Join an SDG group.
  • Don’t dodge morning parade if you can, Information is passed and Man O War chants are really fun
  • Be humble, do not engage soldiers when they order you because they’re just following orders. They will miss you when you are gone.
  • Take a leadership role in camp at least once. It builds character and patience
  • Carry a Sweater, preferably white, for Cold days and Shades for Hot days

One fulfilling moment in camp was when I was recognized by the Camp commandant. We had a bad start because he came to chase us from rehearsals when it was coinciding with drills and I threw a fit. He saw it and was pissed and I legit stared him down till my platoon mates pushed my head to look down as a sign of submission. Then I apologized. In the final night of camp I came to drop asun and drinks for my OBS colleagues assigned to the staff party, he called me and reminded me of the altercation and said I changed his mind about me because I was really active for my platoon all over camp and he also saw me Emceeing the Camp Carnival. I was blushing like a fool because he is known to be very difficult. His nickname is delete because he chased a couple corp members from camp, yeah, he de-camped them and so he threatened others with the term. His favourite quote “I will delete you!” .


The man ended up being most popular camp official. See why you should not fuck with anyone, just be a badass and people will love you. This was me

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It felt good to be recognized and I learnt that people are always watching and admiring from afar when you do good or bad, you end up building a reputation for something. So don’t look for recognition just enjoy when it comes to you and do good in any endeavor you’re in.

Now to the life lessons I learned

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously: in camp I fell sick because I was stressed by some of the activities I was involved in. OBS was tasking because of a certain man who kept threatening us cause we were pretty lazy tbh and I’m ashamed about that. I took things on my head and rarely asked for help
  • Ask for help: people around you are ready to do things if you ask nicely. Even as a leader delegate wok and remind them that you trust them and need them. Don’t boss them around. It’s hard to remember in the heat of the moment, but if you do you’ll make a great leader
  • Challenge yourself and Do it: If you feel like doing anything, do it. Don’t be shy or scared because fear is an illusion. Even if it is something you have never done, challenge yourself. If you feel nervous tell yourself you’re excited and your body is gearing up to shock the world. It works!
  • Have a support system: every other day I’d go to Mami with pals and drink and gist. Have a support system to take care of you when you’re stressed and need to vent. It helps you get over things. I appreciate my friends I made in camp and they’re all headed for greatness.
  • Be disciplined: I watched my friend Joseph in camp and noticed that the he was highly disciplined. Probably from his Man o War days. I admired that. He was also platoon leader and when he became most outstanding corp member. I was screaming in elation because he deserved it.
  • Celebrate yourself and others: I know I said I had a grudge with the drama thing but really it’s no biggie. Learn to celebrate others victories and also be kind to yourself when you lose. I learnt that from Faith who I told I’m always hard on myself that it won’t do me any good. I learnt to take it easy and always be kind to myself. So I’m leaving that with y’all!
  • DANCE: God I danced well in that camp. Dancing is a joyous activity. You don’t need to know all the latest steps just have fun at the party. Or even if it’s not a party, play some music and dance. Take someone else along to dance with you, especially if you are the shy type. You’ll be happier for it
  • Ignore naysayers and Don’t be a naysayer: Ignore people who tell you you can’t do it. In the words of Kanye West. “Any pessimist I don’t talk to them, plus I ain’t have no phone in my apartment. ” Also don’t be a naysayer. Be a cheerleader!
  • Be grateful: Gratitude goes a long way. Be grateful to God, to your neighbour, to the air, and everything around. When you can remember to just say thank you to think air. It sounds like some mystic weird zen shit but it works either way
  • Everything works out for good: While trying to create this post I typed on my phone and my laptop but I did not have the full draft on PC, so when I got to work this evening, I did not see the full draft. I tried to connect my phone to the work Wi-Fi and it was misbehaving. I panicked a bit but in the end I called the neighboring hotel that is under the company and got it reset and voila! Do not sweat the small stuff, the extra time I got helped me refine the post for your reading pleasure and I got an idea I will share at the bottom of the post!

So, that’s that!

Here are some pictures from camp!


Sometimes I will do reviews of the songs of the week courtesy Wax Poetic. I will also do movie reviews and opinion polls.

Next week’s topic will be about the candidates running for the office of President. I will do an expose on them. Also, its payday! Yaay, so i will be doing my first giveaway. So check in on my next post next weekend!

If you want me to review your album or track or want me to do something on this blog or a collaboration with you, hit me up here. I won’t review my upcoming project because it’s unethical.

See y’all next week

Give some love to a stranger today

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12 thoughts on “CRAB: THE B SIDE

  1. I’m blushing sir.
    Thanks a lot, may God bless and remember you always.

  2. Bruuhhhh! I love this shit!
    Looking forward to your next post, I don’t really like reading long stories but this is so worth it 🀘

  3. WOW !!! I could relate to most part of this write not just because I was mentioned a few times but it’s something I personally experienced. @tosan you are doing an awesome job,and to those who are yet to serve pls read carefully cause there is a lot of important information you should take very seriously on here.
    I wish I read something like this before coming to camp myself 😁
    Nice work πŸ’ͺ🏻 Proud of you πŸ‘πŸ½ Don’t relent, you can only get better by the day πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻

  4. Murthafvcker !!πŸ˜‚. Am sadly just reading this now and I enjoyed every bit esp cause you wrote it in a way I know this is Ekene talking in reality πŸ˜‚. We need more minds like you around as friends to inspire and constantly remind us to always up our game and be better in our craft. Keep being the creative and idealistic person you are πŸ”₯. Faith said it already, DONT RELENT πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½.

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